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ResinTech Tannin Removal Specialty Resin

Model #: SIR-22P-HP

ResinTech SIR-22P-HP is a special purpose ion exchanger specifically designed to remove tannins, organic color, and other naturally occurring organics including organo-metallic complexes (such as heme iron) from water. ResinTech SIR-22P-HP is intended primarily for use as an organic trap in a stand-alone unit in conjunction with other ion exchange processes such as softening or demineralization. In certain situations ResinTech SIR-22P-HP can be used in the same vessel as the softener resin, as a separate upper layer. It is supplied in the chloride form as moist, tough, uniform spherical beads.

Features & Benefits:

  • Specifically designed to remove naturally occurring organics (NOM)
  • Complies with FDA regulations for potable water applications
  • NSF/ANSI 61 certified for material safety
  • Reversible exchange of organics - long life
  • No fishy odor - Gives very little or no fishy odors even in applications where other resin types such as acrylics fail because of odor

Pressure Drop

The chart below shows the expected pressure loss per foot of bed depth as a function of flow rate, at various temperatures.

Backwash Expansion

After each cycle the resin bed should be backwashed at a rate that expands the bed 50 to 75 percent. This will remove any foreign matter or fines and reclassify the bed.

ResinTech Packaging